Astrological Natal Chart

All fields are required.

Only years from 1900 through 2099 are valid.

Please give time of birth in 24 hour format.
If birth time is unknown enter 12:00.
If you were born EXACTLY at 12:00, then please enter 11:59 or 12:01.

Find your time zone.

Add 1 hour if Daylight Saving was in effect when you were born (select next time zone down in the list).
Example: Chicago is "GMT -06:00 hrs" (standard time); Paris is "GMT +01:00 hrs" (standard time).

Search for your birth coordinates.

Select Longitude in minutes; example: Chicago is 87 W 39, Sydney is 151 E 13.

Search for your birth coordinates.

Select Latitude in minutes; example: Chicago is 41 N 51, Sydney is 33 S 52.

Please make sure your time zone is correct.

Allen Edwall

All programs copyrighted