Category: Capricorn
Information on the Capricorn astrological sign.
Capicorn Can Turn Inward
Capricorn Not Cold
Capricorns get a bad rap. Honestly. Children spend their entire childhood’s told to control themselves. Capricorns learn this less well. Not only do they learn this well, and learn to keep their cool when everyone else is losing their shit, they also use it for their own advantage. They learn to methodically go after what is important regardless of the struggle or regardless of their mood. Capricorns are not whiners. Not if they are supported by those around them to reach their full potential. They are not cold.
Capicorn and Fame
Capricorn Not Sidetracked
Capricorns aren’t easily sidetracked. In other words, the kind of people that everyone is secretly jealous of, but won’t admit to.